• Mon - Sat : 10.15 AM - 5.15 PM

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Apprenticeship Training and Placement

Apprenticeship training scheme:

The national scheme of apprenticeship training is implemented by the Ministry of Human Resource Development (Government of India), through the Regional Boards of Apprenticeship Training. The Government of Kerala vide order G.O. (Rt) 1900/79/HEdn. Dt.09.11.1979 sanctioned SD Centre under the Department of Technical Education to arrange apprentice training for fresh Engineering graduates and diploma holders in the State.

SDC is also conducting to part-time diploma programmes in Industrial Safety Engineering (ISE) and Fire Safety Engineering (FSE).ISE of the only diploma programme of its kind in the state, which has been approved for the post of safety officer in industries.


The objective of the scheme is to provide practical training to fresh Engineering Graduates and Diploma holders in industries and other organizations to make them employable. The apprenticeship training opens the door for an individual to develop confidence to face the vagaries of the society in which he/she lives.

Candidates Eligibility:

o Candidates should have passed Degree in Engineering/Technology/Library Science/Pharmacy or Diploma in Engineering/Technology/Pharmacy/Commercial practice from the institutes approved by AICTE/Directorate of Technical Education of concerned State.
o Candidates should not have undergone Apprenticeship Training elsewhere.
o Candidates should not have work experience of one year or more.
o Candidates should not have completed three years after passing the qualifying examinations.

Period of Training: One year

Monthly Stipend:

The existing minimum monthly stipend rates as recommended by the Central Apprenticeship Council and notified by Government of India vide Notification No: G.S.R. 686(E) New Delhi, dated 25.09.2019 effective from 25.09.2019 is as follows:-
1. Graduate Apprentice : Rs.9000 per month
2. Technician Apprentice : Rs.8000 per month

Certificate Needed for Enrollment:

• Provisional certificate /original certificate
• Grade card
• Chalan Receipt (Original)
• Application form
Certificates will be self attested
Application form can be downloaded from the website: www.sdcentre.org

Fee: As per GO (MS) No 48/2002 HEdn Dated 21.05.2002 & GO(P) No. 409/2014 Fin Dated 23.09.2014

Engineering Degree : 80 RS
Engineering Degree (sc/st) : 60 RS
Engineering Diploma : 65 RS
Engineering Diploma (sc/st) : 35 RS
Note: The applications are only acceptable between 3 years of Degree/Diploma course completion.

Issuing Panel of Candidates

This office issues panel of candidates to the organizations based on their request. We issue branch wise panel of candidates which contains the address, percentage of marks, email & phone number etc of each candidate. The organizations conduct test/interview and select the trainees.

Centralized Selection Program

Apart from issuing panel, we conduct centralized walk-in-interviews in association with Board of Apprentice Training, Chennai at various centers in Kerala to select trainees. As many as 25 to 50 industries used to participate in each program. This programs are helpful to the candidates as well as organizations because each candidate is given opportunity to attend interview in any three organizations of his/her choice and the industry can select the right candidate from a large mass within a minimum time.


We help the organizations for the recruitment of their permanent employees by giving panel of experienced and fresh candidates and conducting interviews.